Santa Monica City Employees Coalition Benefit Trust

Santa Monica City Employees - Coalition Benefit Trust

Santa Monica City Employees Coalition Benefit Trust

Established on July 1, 2001

If you were impacted by the recent fires

and are unable to submit your 2025 Annual Verification,

please contact the Trust Office at 800 828-0223.

The Santa Monica City Employees Coalition Benefit Trust was established on July 1, 2001 by the coalition of bargaining units representing all permanent employees of the City, except Fire and Police sworn personnel. The Trust was established to provide reimbursement to retired employees for part of their medical insurance premiums. Initial reimbursements to eligible retirees commenced on July 1, 2006. The Trust will not provide insurance for retired employees, but will provide partial reimbursement to eligible retired employees for some of the premiums they pay for health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance and/or long term care insurance.

Thinking about retiring?
If you are planning on retiring or need any information regarding this benefit please get in touch with the Trust's administrator, Benefit Programs Administration (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or one of the Trustees.


SMC Disclaimer:

“The Trust attempts to maintain the highest accuracy of content on this website. Please report any errors or omissions to the Trust Office for investigation. This website was designed with the goal to give you easy access to Plan information.  The information contained on each webpage does not provide all the details and limitations of the Plan.  Exact specifications are provided in the “Premium Reimbursement Plan for Retirees of the Santa Monica City Employees Coalition Benefit Trust,” effective07/01/01and as amended thereafter, which is provided on this website under the “TRUST DOC”tab.  If there is a conflict between what is contained on this website and the contents of the Plan, the terms of the Plan will prevail. If you would like a paper copy of any document provided through this website, please contact the Trust Office.  The Trust makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the absolute accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of the webpages of this website and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of the webpages of this web site. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the contents or use of this website or its hyperlinks to other Internet resources.”  More details, Click here:DISCLAIMER / TERMS / HIPAA / ACCESSIBILITY

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Santa Monica City Employees  

Coalition Benefit Trust

c/o Benefit Programs


1200 Wilshire Blvd, 5th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017-1906 

Phone: 800-828-0223

Fax: 562-463-5894

For additional information

,please use the links below:

 City of Santa Monica


 Coalition of Santa Monica City Employees
